Field training for masters of the OPP "Agrochemical service in precision agricultural production"

17 вересня 2023 року

In the midst of the educational process, when most of the masters are studying remotely, the masters of the OPP "Agrochemistry Service in Precision Agriculture" tirelessly and purposefully attended a field lesson on the discipline "Intra-soil and foliar fertilization", which took place in the fields of Biotech LTD LLC with the assistance of the lecturer of the discipline Anatolii Bykin. In the context of the discipline, the masters got acquainted with the practical aspects of foliar application of agrochemicals using unmanned aerial vehicles.

    The students heard practical information from the farm's agronomist Oleg Bykin, who introduced the topic of the lesson "Drones in modern crop cultivation technologies" and told practical cases of the use of agro-drones in crop cultivation technologies, their effectiveness compared to other equipment, economic efficiency, and provided in-depth answers to the students' questions, which were quite numerous.



   The next stage of the lesson was immediate practical work with the XAG XP 2020 sprayer drone, and Senior Pilot Serhii Kustol, who has 3 years of practical experience, first of all instructed the students on safety and their peculiarities when working with these types of drones. After that, together with the students, they went to learn how to create contours and obstacle zones for further planning of flight operations. After creating a working contour, the students and the drone pilot proceeded to the stage of preparing and creating a flight task for the drone, familiarized themselves with the steps and features of creating flight tasks, and then launched it to perform the assigned flight task (spraying).


In the process of mastering practical skills, the drone pilot explained the practical features of the use and operation of the drone and its additional equipment. The students listened with interest and absorbed the information, asked questions, and tried to perform the stages of working with the drone and its controls on their own, but under the pilot's supervision. They learned how to create a flight task for the drone, adjusted and tested flight units and spray systems. The students were especially interested in the spraying system, which environmental parameters affect the quality of spraying and possible consequences, setting up and controlling the outflow rate per unit area and adjusting the droplet size during operation.



As a result of the lesson, the students gained invaluable practical knowledge and mastered the aspects and features of the use of agricultural hovercraft. And the plants at the experimental site received a foliar application of agrochemicals thanks to the practical training of the masters of the educational and professional program "Agrochemical Service in Precision Agricultural Production".


The students gained a positive attitude, valuable knowledge and were extremely grateful to the organizers and speakers for the opportunity to learn new knowledge!!!


We thank the Armed Forces of Ukraine for the opportunity to hold such events.


We wish all participants inexhaustible inspiration, new ideas and the best results.

Together we make the agricultural industry better!




Igor Bordyuzha
Assistant of the Department of Agrochemistry and Quality
of crop production named after A.I. Dushechkin


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