The Faculty of Economics held a thematic event on "International Day for the Liberation of Prisoners of Nazi Concentration Camps"

12 квітня 2019 року

Annually, on April 11, the world celebrates the International Day for the Liberation of Nazi Concentrated Massacres. It was on this day in 1945 that the Buchenwald prisoners raised an uprising against the Nazis and won their freedom and had a chance to live.
    On the occasion of the International Day for the Liberation of Prisoners of Nazi Concentrators at the Faculty of Economics, a round table was held on the topic: "Nazi concentration camps - a terrible page of human history."



Students learned from the words of their curator, senior lecturer of the Accounting and Taxation Department O. Krivorot about the terrible details of the existence of death camps. The participants of the round table discussed the documentary evidence and historical facts of the Nazi regime. Conclusion: the story should not be repeated! Thanks to historical memory, a person becomes a person, a people - a nation, a country - a state.


O. Krivorot


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