The dynamic practice of agronomy students has come to an end

October 10, 2023

Student internships are an important part of the educational process. During its completion, students consolidate and deepen the theoretical knowledge gained in the course of studying academic disciplines at the Dushechkin Department of Agrochemistry and Quality of Crop Production, as well as diversify the educational process and acquire the skills of an agronomist.



   From August 29 to September 22, according to the order, an agronomic and introductory training practice for second-year students majoring in Agronomy was held in a mixed format, which took place in the training laboratory "Fruit and Vegetable Garden" and in the training laboratories of the Department of Agrochemistry and Quality of Plant Production named after O.I. Dushechkin.
   The purpose of the practice was to form the students' professional outlook, consolidate their theoretical knowledge and develop their professional competencies. The students performed the tasks to determine the type of production activities of the farms, familiarized themselves with and analyzed the structure of crops in the "Fruit and Vegetable Garden", analyzed crop rotation and crop rotation schemes in practice.

   They also improved their theoretical skills in the correct performance of plant diagnostics, selection and preparation of plant samples for analysis. They selected the types and methods of fixing plant samples in real conditions. They also learned about the latest rapid methods and applied them in practice.


   As a result of the diagnostics, the supply of nutrients to crops and the need for fertilization in the Fruit and Vegetable Garden training laboratory were determined. Then, in the training laboratories of the Dushechkin Department of Agrochemistry and Quality of Crop Production, students together with their teachers made adjustments to the crop fertilization system to optimize mineral nutrition and obtain high yields.

   Since the internship took place during the period of full-time study, the internship supervisors were able to pay attention to each student. The students expressed their impressions of the internship, where the key words were "experience", "attention", "democracy", "consulted", "attended", "helped", etc. According to the students' impressions and reports, we can say that the knowledge gained in the laboratory classes was consolidated in practice!

Larysa Semenko, Associate Professor of the Department of Agrochemistry
and quality of crop production


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